Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Self Portriat project

Here's the next project that we did in my Digital Design class: a self portrait. The special thing about these self portraits is that they are made only out of text. Every single marking that I made on the picture is some form of text seen on the keyboard, which is wayyy harder than it sounds.
 I made this project with Photoshop, but i only used the text feature. I had fun doing this project, but it was kind of time consuming. In the end, I think it was worth the effort though. I love the way my final project turned out, although I would've preferred to spend a bit more time on some finishing touches, such as fine tuning the hair a bit.. but oh well.
Until next time: Paige ;)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sign Parody project

This is one of my first projects that I completed for my Digital Design class. We were supposed to make a parody of a known sign: for mine, I used a hiking sign, and I turned it into the sign seen here. I'm not really sure what the whole meaning behind it is.... I just wanted to make something funny. I mean, what's funnier than a couple of old people ambling along carrying some guns? =P
 To make my gorgeous sign, I used Photoshop to copy down the real sign of the hikers, then I added and took away a few things to make the final product.
One of my big problems with this project was trying to make it look like how I pictured it. I really wanted to add quite a few more details to the people, such as a hat or something to make them look more like old people, but I ran out of time, but in the end I think it turned out alright, although I still think it needs a bit more work.
Until next time: Paige ;)